Parts of Speech

Words are divided mainly into eight parts depending on their function (work or usage). One word can have more than one function. Here is a brief note on them

A naming word, A word is used as the name of a person place or thing Eg :- Boy, City, Pen.

Concrete Nouns are the names of persons, places and things which have a shape and which can be held. These are further divided into four. 

Common Noun:  A Name used in common or general . Eg: man, village, book 
Note : We can use a / an / the before a common noun.

Proper Noun : A name used for a particular person or place. Eg :Vivekananda, Hyderabad 
Note : Things are not included because a common noun follows a proper noun even if we name things. Eg : lux ( soap ) Reynolds ( Pen )

Important : We usually don't use a/an / the before proper noun. We use a / an / the in exceptional cases.

Material Noun: Names of the metals or materials from which things are made are called material nouns.
Note: Things made from the metals or materials come under common nouns Eg : Wood, Steel, Cement, Iron.

Collective Noun : A collection taken together and spoken as a whole is called a collective nouns. Eg :Sheep, Fleet, Army 
Note : Most of the collective nouns don't have a plural number. 

The following are the Examples to make a singular or plural from a collective noun.

 Advice  : Apiece of advice - Pieces of advice 
Bread   : A loaf of Bread  - Loaves of bread 
Soap    : A cake of soap   - Cake of soap 
Paper  : A sheet of paper - Sheet of paper 

Abstract Noun : Names of the feelings / Experiences are called abstract nouns. We can form abstract nouns form common nouns, Verbs, Adjectives and Adverbs.
Child - Childhood  Detect - Detection Beautiful - Beauty Loverly -Loveliness. 
Some more examples : Action, Boldness, Achievement, Love, Hatred.

Pronoun : A Word which is used for / instead of / in the place of a noun is called a pronoun. There are many kinds of pronouns. Some important pronouns are personal pronoun, possessive pronoun, Emphatic pronoun, and Reflexive Pronoun. 

Personal Pronoun:- 
                               ( singular )                      (  plural  )
First Person :-          I-me                                       We - us 
Second person :-      You- you                               You - you 
Third Person :-        He/ She / It/( him/her/it )       They - them 

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