What do you want to be in next 5 years?

When you are interviewing for a new job, it can be hard to articulate where you would like to be in your career next year let alone five years down the road. Even when you do know, it's important to be careful how you respond because you'll need to tailor your answer to the job for which you are interviewing.

Here are tips for responding to questions about the next stage of your career, while affirming your interest in the role you are being interviewed for.

Where Do You See Yourself 5 Years from Now?

Outline a Career Path

In order to prepare well for this question, research a reasonable career path which will flow from the position for which you are applying. How long does one ordinarily spend in that job? What are the next steps within five years?

Some employers will clearly outline pathways in the career section of their website. However, you may need to approach professionals in the field through alumni, family, friends or professional associations to gain an accurate picture.

Start With Your Interest in This Job

It is often advantageous to emphasize your interest in thoroughly mastering the initial position before moving on. If it seems like you are rushing past that first job, employers might question how motivated you are to carry out those duties.

After all, the hiring manager will probably want someone who will be happy and competent in that role for at least a year or two. Integrating a clear rationale into your answer regarding how your interests and skills equip you to do the job you are being considered for can help to alleviate any concerns about how long you will want to stay at the job.

When There is No Clear Career Path

Not all jobs are stepping stones to higher positions. For positions like counseling, sales, event planning, teaching and computer programming, for example, it will be perfectly appropriate to emphasize mastery of that job as your five year goal. Think about components of the job in which you can excel. For example for a sales job: "Within 5 years I would like to be recognized as an expert in terms of product knowledge, have developed very close relationships with clients, have significantly expanded the client base in my region and perhaps have been assigned some major national clients."

Goals = Results

Stating your goals in terms of results which you would like to produce is another angle for responding. So, for example, a prospective teacher for a district which is trying to upgrade performance on standardized tests might say "I would like to significantly increase the percentage of students reading at or above grade level through creative instructional methods." Of course, you would need to be able to share some examples of how you would achieve this.

Moving Up the Career Ladder

There are a few jobs where you are expected to move on after a couple of years, including some analyst positions in investment banking and consulting, as well as legal assistants and scientific research assistants (for new college grads). In those cases, you will have more leeway in your answers, but you will still want to establish how the job at hand makes sense given the skills and interests you would bring to the employer.

Examples :- 1

Five Years from now, I would see myself as an important asset to the company. I would want to be viewed as a person, the company can always count upon. During these 5 years, I would sharpen my skills in any way that could benefit my organisation. From a personal viewpoint, I would like to see myself climb the ladder of success and be financially well off.

Example :- 2

During these five years I'll gain technical knowledge as well as I'll have the experience about how exactly the company is working, what are the key points for the companies success and I'll for sure have some new ideas that will lead the company further in the path of success. So with all these knowledge, expertise and ideas I see myself gradually growing in the company and be at higher position (like I'd say manager) so that I can be in the intermediate level from where I can extract the best from employees working under me by collaborating with them in a friendly environment, which will benefit the company to get better results and our company will be at the top in its league, and if its already there we'll do our best for the company to hold on to the top.

Example :- 3

Five years from now I would like to see myself as a better person both personally and professionally, in a respectable and reputed position earned through my hard work and skills in a reputed company like yours.

Example :- 4

 Can not say exactly where will I be in next 5 years but as a base level I would like to sharpen my knowledge and Experience first and use it for company's development for coming next years.

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