Ten basic tips for effective resume writing

Resume is a very important document. HR executives use only this document for per screening . Also before you enter the interview room the interviewers form an impression about you on the basis of your resume . So the resume becomes very vital. treat your resume as an advertisement for you. Be sure to thoroughly 'sell' yourself by highlighting all of your strengths .

Step To Be Followed To Make You'r Resume Effective :-

  • Let your resume be original. Never copy from a friend. All that is presented including technical skills, Projects Strengths and weaknesses, hobbies etc should be unique to you.

  • Mention only those details you are totally confident about. Do not try to impress people with skills you do not possess. 

  • Mention all details of your academics like year, subjects, division and percentage of marks form high school to the last qualification in a chronological order. 

  • Do mention any additional information which may not be relevant to academics but important to access your personality like participation in NCC, study trips, sports, college events, Etc 

  • Give correct details such as address, Mail id, Telephone number Etc. Do not give numbers and ids which do not work. 

  • Do not mention any fake experience it will be discovered in  no time. 

  • To add life to your resume, use bullet sentence's that begin with action words like prepared, Developed, monitored and presented. 

  • Construct your resume to read easily. Leave white space. Use a font size no smaller than 10 pints-standard  size or sans serif fonts. Limit the length of your resume to 1-2 pages.

  • Proofread,proofread, proofread. Be sure to catch all spelling errors grammatical weaknesses, unusual punctuation's and inconsistent capitalization.

  • Laser print the resume on plain, White paper . Avoid handwritten or color inkjet printouts 

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